

My name is Cindy, I am a Jamaican girl living in Trinidad & Tobago who is thoroughly enjoying island life. I started the BookOfCinz platform to encourage people to Read, read More, read Widely, and Read Caribbean. Since starting BookOfCinz in 2018 I have launched a Book Club that meets monthly online and in-person. I also have a free BookOfCinz Library open to persons living in Trinidad. I also started the Read Caribbean challenge where I actively create awareness for Caribbean authors and their work, throughout the year but especially during June which is Caribbean Heritage Month.

This blog will feature all the books I have read, will read or may never get around to reading. I love reading and I equally enjoy getting people excited about reading so I will have book recommendations, reviews and monthly wrap-ups. I also want to share my travel adventures and my life here in the Caribbean so stop by sometime, and even if you don’t…at least read a book!

I hope this blog will encourage you to read, read more, read widely and Read Caribbean.

Around the Internet

Over the last three years, BookOfCinz has been featured on other platforms or I have written articles that were published elsewhere. Here is an ongoing list.



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